Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mitt Romney is a Weathervane in a Tornado

Mitt Romney is a candidate who lacks a foundation, solid principles upon which he can build a coherent philosophy, as well as the charisma, or oratorical skills, to sell this philosophy to the American people.

If Romney isn't sticking his foot in his mouth, then he is changing his mind. Daily.

Once again, here is the infamous 47% video:

According to Romney, we're just shit stuck to the bottom of his perfectly polished John Lobb shoes.

But, wait, he didn't really mean that he thought we were meaningless peasants playing the role of professional victims. He "clarified" his remarks at a recent campaign event for Latinos in Florida:

“My campaign is about the 100 percent of America,” Romney said in his opening comments at a Univision forum here. Romney repeated the phrase “the 100 percent” three more times in his initial statement.
When speaking in public, Romney claims he wants to help all Americans, all 100% of them, but in private with his millionaire pals at $50,000 a plate fundraiser he asserts he doesn't think too much about the bottom 47% of American society. When are people most truthful, in public or private? I think we know the answer.

In a matter of days, Romney moves from 47% up to 100% and, I dare say, he'll claim to be working for the 250% sometime next week.

He says, it wasn't "elegantly stated." How does one elegantly state that 47% of Americans are whiny serfs perfectly content to shirk personal responsibility and pride in order to suck on the government tit?

But, he's the consummate businessman. Shouldn't he know how? He did save the Olympics. And, Staples. And, Godfather's Pizza, etc.

I wonder how hands-on he was at Bain Capital. His hands look Jergens soft.

Romney's twisting in the wind isn't just about his comments on the 47% of Americans. It covers nearly every single political position he has ever advocated. He is the for it before he was against it kind of guy.

Consider universal heathcare:  he has defended his healthcare bill in Massachusetts, attacked Obama and the Democratic Party's achievement, then claimed he wouldn't outright appeal it, but simply reform it, then vociferously describe how much he just straight fucking hates it.

Then, he says this in the same Politico article linked above:

The Republican even embraced the Obama administration’s claim that his Massachusetts health care reform plan made him “the grandfather of Obamacare.”

“I don’t think he meant that as a compliment but I’ll take it,” Romney said, adding that such a depiction was likely not “helpful” during the GOP primary.
But, it doesn't stop there. John Aravois at Americablog reports the following:

Today, the Romney campaign will hold a press conference call to discuss... that Obamacare is a costly disaster for American families and businesses. The call will feature Governor Bobby Jindal.
It's like he's playing a role now, acting as a stereotype of himself.

Does he really want to be President?

Mitt Romney is presented as the consummate businessman, a paragon of capitalist achievement, so I'm quite surprised at his inability to adequately helm a national presidential campaign. Isn't he the Great Fixer? Didn't he turn-around countless failing companies and save the Olympics? Now, he suddenly can't do what an inexperienced, community organizer achieved four short years ago.

I'm not surprised that Romney lacks a foundation. He is a corporatist, after all. When one's professional existence is defined by profit margins, then it stands to reason that they are willing to do, or say, anything in order to achieve profit. Profit justifies the means.

He should have more charisma. The acne faced kid working at the local American Eagle has better salesmanship skills than the embattled GOP candidate. Americans are getting tired of hanging the phone up on Romney.

Epic fail.

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